What is the history of the IDS Collaborative PhD program?

The collaborative PhD specialization in International Development Studies was based on the successful model of the collaborative master's specialization and was the first of its kind in Canada.

As it is also "collaborative," this PhD specialization allows students to add an interdisciplinary, international development focus to their degree in a discipline (their home department/home program). The specialization provides an opportunity for advanced students to engage with multi- and interdisciplinary development theories and to conduct research on international development issues.

This PhD degree with the added designation "International Development Studies" provides necessary discipline-based qualifications for the academic job market. The degree is also designed to strengthen the theoretical foundation of development practitioners.

Popular departments selected have been Political Science; Epidemiology; Sociology; Geography; Economics; Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics; and Engineering. Apart from their departmental courses, the IDS PhD students interact in two interdisciplinary core courses and IDS-related research seminars.