The requirements in the undergraduate calendar have changed. How do I know which calendar I should be using?

Most students need to consult two different calendars, depending on the information they are seeking.

Use the current undergraduate calendar to check course descriptions and prerequisites, important academic dates (schedule of dates) for the current year, regulations, policies and procedures.

If you are looking for the course requirements for your major, minor or concentration in ID, you should be using the calendar in which you are registered. This is usually the calendar of the academic year in which you began your current degree and specialization(s).

If you are unsure, check the “calendar” listed at the top of your academic/program evaluation on Webadvisor, e.g. If the calendar is listed as 2015, then your calendar is 2015-2016. The current and archived academic calendars are available on the UofG website. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the IDS academic advisor.