Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events: Webinars, Symposiums, Conferences and Workshops

CASID Student Research Symposium 
June 17, 2020 from 11am-4:30pm (EDT) via Zoom 
As noted on the CASID listserv on April 8, the 2020 CASID conference was unfortunately cancelled due to COVID-19 physical distancing requirements. However, the CASID Executive Committee is holding a free online symposium - “Development Reconnected: A CASID Student Research Symposium” - featuring original research presentations by CASID student members. The symposium is being held on June 17, 2020 from 11am-4:30pm (EDT) via Zoom. It will conclude with a panel on how to publish in the field of international development featuring Dr. Haroon Akram-Lodhi (International Development Studies, Trent University), Dr. Stephen Brown (Political Studies, University of Ottawa) and Dr. Laura Parisi (Gender Studies, University of Victoria). 

Canadian Conference on Global Health: Global Health in a Changing Climate 
Call for Abstracts due June 17th, 2020  
Building on the closing plenary in 2019, the 26th Canadian Conference on Global Health (CCGH) is calling the global health community to action around planetary health— defined as the health of human civilization and the state of the natural systems on which it depends.[1] The societies and the health systems we live in must be both resilient and responsive to the challenges of climate change—the overarching issue of our time. 

One Health Coffee House (BYOC)

Summer 2020: A weekly, 30-minute online forum for student discussion, starting on June 12th and running through August.  Students who are engaged in summer research – in any discipline – are welcome to participate. 

  • Journal Club – choose an academic paper relevant to your field of study, which ideally also touches on the One Health pillars of human, animal and environmental health and wellbeing. A link to the paper can be provided to all students in advance, and ideally students will come to the journal club ready to participate in the discussion.  
  • Research Bite – share what you’re working on! What makes it interesting and great? Is it – or could it be – One Health? Why? Include 2-3 slides outlining your research.  
All disciplines and perspectives are welcome to the One Health discussion!

Previously Recorded Seminars 

Arrell Food Institute & Food From Thought Webinars 
April 16 Video Panel: COVID-19 + Lessons for Food Systems 
April 30 Video Panel: COVID-19 + Data Decisions after Disruption